Flour Mite (Acarus siro)
Biology: Flour mites are very small animals, usually less than 0.5 mm long, with 6 legs in the larval form and 8 legs in the adult stage. They are arachnids, i.e. relatives of spiders.
The development of the flour mite is normally from egg to larvae, followed by various nymph stages and then the adult form. However, durable forms are often produced that can survive very long periods of unfavorable conditions. Mass reproduction usually follows when conditions become favorable.
Damage: Flour mites infest mainly products made from cereal grains, pasta and baked goods. Infested products are coated with a light-coloured dust. They spoil and often taste bitter.
Foodstuffs infested with flour mites may cause severe allergic reactions, asthma attacks and other pathological symptoms.