Confused Flour Beetle
Appearance: A slim beetle of 3-4 mm length, of uniform red-brown to black color.
Life History: The eggs, which are laid loosely on the stored product, are not readily discernible; the female deposits eggs for a period which can exceed 1 year, 350400 eggs on average. The total development period is 7-12 weeks, depending on temperature; the larvae pupate loosely in the infested goods. Sensitive to cold; high humidity favors development. The beetles seldom fly, and can live more than 3 years.
Distribution: All parts of the world; in cooler climates, restricted to warm storages.
Damage: Beetles and larvae feed on a very wide variety of dry vegetable substances, for example, milled cereal products, groundnuts, cocoa beans, legumes, spices, dried fruits, tapioca, oilseed cake, etc. A frequent mill pest; badly infested flour has a sharp odor and turns brown; its baking properties are damaged. This pest can also attach undamaged wheat kernels.